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Trenton Elementary School 1st Graders
On May 2nd, we were able to host 120 visitors and show them where their milk comes from! We are proud of what we do and enjoy sharing our story with others!
Just like we weigh every truck that comes into the farm, we had each class get their "weights". See them in the gallery at the end.
Charlie Smith taught the students about what we feed cows and how they are the ultimate recyclers!
Poop to Power, the kids loved the idea of talking about poo with Heath Hingson and Jimmie Myers!
All of the students can now say they have milked a cow. Cliff Reindl taught the students about calves and milking!
Adam Jackanicz explained our focus and promise to our consumers for the safety and cleanliness of the milk we produce.
After the tour, we brought the milk to our visitors! We shared milk and cookies!!!
Alliance Dairies was honored to share our story of calf to cup with the Trenton Elementary School 1st Graders! Thanks to all that came and all of those who helped in making it possible! If you are interested in taking a tour of our farm, click here to fill-out a form for us to try and schedule a time for you to visit!
Check-out the beautiful thank-you notes we received!!!
Can you find yours?
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